How does super surfacing work?

A unique way of planing with a unique result

The Marunaka super surfacer planes wood by using a razor-sharp knife. This way you can obtain the most refined surface. Wood can thereby be finished in detail. The Marunaka consists of one stationary blade and a heavy duty power feeder. The stationary blade is mounted in an adjustable turntable to create the ideal blade shear angle. On the upper side, the power feeder shoots wood at high speed across the blade. This simple but clever technique makes super surfacing the most unique surface treatment of wood !

It has a wide range of applications, for example massive furniture, windows, floors, window constructions, wall and ceiling panels. The cutting method also improves the acoustical properties of the wood. This makes it an ideal technique for musical instruments made of wood. The planing technique also provides you with the best paint and varnish adhesion for wood post-processing.

Left. Rotary planing with blunt knives

Middle. Rotary planing with sharp knives

Right. Planing with the Marunaka

Electron microscope pictures, courtesy of:

E. Bäucker, TU Dresden, 1997

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If you want to experience how super smooth surface feels yourself, please feel free to request a free sample. You will receive a brochure and an incredible piece of planed timber. Please fill out the form and we will send you the sample as soon as possible.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment to admire and experience the machine in reality? Please contact us.


Wafer-thin planing

The Marunaka super surfacing machine gives wood a super smooth surface structure. Even to a fraction of a millimeter! It’s due to the planer's superior cutting ability. The technique is simple: the machine automatically tunes the thickness of the wood, so you don't have to adjust anything. The wood fires with speed through the woodworking machine, leaving behind ultra-thin layers of the wood’s surface. No dust in the air, but beautiful long curls. This makes the Marunaka almost entirely free of wood dust, leaving you with a healthy and safe work environment.


Wafer-thin planing

The Marunaka super surfacing machine gives wood a super smooth surface structure. Even to a fraction of a millimeter! It’s due to the planer's superior cutting ability. The technique is simple: the machine automatically tunes the thickness of the wood, so you don't have to adjust anything. The wood fires with speed through the woodworking machine, leaving behind ultra-thin layers of the wood’s surface. No dust in the air, but beautiful long curls. This makes the Marunaka almost entirely free of wood dust, leaving you with a healthy and safe work environment.

Dirt and water repellent

The Marunaka super surfacing machine makes no effort in cutting through wood quickly and precisely. Microscopically, the wood cells are cut rather than flat beaten. The fibers remain in place, leaving them fully intact. It makes the wood resistant to moisture, dirt and dust. This natural protection preserves and extends the life of almost every type of wood. Also, this accurate cutting technique prevents any roughening of the wood surface. It’s a valuable time-saving advantage, because it makes intermediate sanding completely unnecessary.


Dirt and water repellent

The Marunaka super surfacing machine makes no effort in cutting through wood quickly and precisely. Microscopically, the wood cells are cut rather than flat beaten. The fibers remain in place, leaving them fully intact. It makes the wood resistant to moisture, dirt and dust. This natural protection preserves and extends the life of almost every type of wood. Also, this accurate cutting technique prevents any roughening of the wood surface. It’s a valuable time-saving advantage, because it makes intermediate sanding completely unnecessary.


Super Smooth surface

Touch the wood planed by this unique woodworking planer and you’ll discover a distinguishing feature. The planed wood actually feels as if it's been sanded. No tiny cracks in the wood. Only a beautifully shiny and smooth surface. The wood truly feels as if it's just been treated. Many types of wood are suitable for the Marunaka super woodworking planer. Pay no attention to the direction of the wood. Whether you use the machine to cut wood against the wood grains or along with the grains: the result is always a silky sheen surface. Wood in the final processing stage may be left untreated, making it an environmentally friendly product.


Super Smooth surface

Touch the wood planed by this unique woodworking planer and you’ll discover a distinguishing feature. The planed wood actually feels as if it's been sanded. No tiny cracks in the wood. Only a beautifully shiny and smooth surface. The wood truly feels as if it's just been treated. Many types of wood are suitable for the Marunaka super woodworking planer. Pay no attention to the direction of the wood. Whether you use the machine to cut wood against the wood grains or along with the grains: the result is always a silky sheen surface. Wood in the final processing stage may be left untreated, making it an environmentally friendly product.

Want to experience the smooth surface yourself?

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If you want to experience how super smooth surface feels yourself, please feel free to request a free sample. You will receive a brochure and an incredible piece of planed timber. Please fill out the form and we will send you the sample as soon as possible.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment to admire and experience the machine in reality? Please contact us.

See the best selling model

The Marunaka Super Meca